Manager Resources

Find Adult Literacy Resources For Managers Below

Underrepresented Groups Initiative- Skills for Success

Through the Skills for Success initiative, MTML was able to carry out activities to build awareness about the support and program services offered by not-for-profit community based organizations in Toronto and York region and how literacy and basic skills programs might partner with them. Below are the reports compiled for both phases:

Phase 1 report: 2022-2023

URG Report_March-April 2023.pdf

Phase 2 report: 2023-2024

URG Report_March 2024.pdf

Connecting Data to Literacy Programs

MTML in partnership with Toronto Workforce Innovation Group, Simcoe Muskoka Skillforce and Tri-County Literacy Network organized a 2-hour session for literacy programs. The aim was to:

Recording of the session (with ASL interpretation):

Resource booklet based on the event:

URG -Connecting Data to Literacy Programming Report-updated Mar28.pdf
LNW A Collection of WF-WP Literacy Resources March 7_2021 final.pdf

Literacy Northwest 

And its deliverable partners, the Coalition Ontarienne de formation des adultes - COFA, Contact North, Literacy Network Northeast, the Mid North Network, and the QUILL Learning Network conducted research and consultations in 2020-21, which produced the attached resource, A Collection of Workforce and Workplace Literacy Resources. 

2023 - e-Channel Winter courses guide.pdf

E-Channel Winter Course Guide  2023


Community Literacy of Ontario

Has created a report that covers the following topics:

Curriculum Outline to Support Blended Learning March 2022.pdf

Contact North

Has created this report that provides a checklist of learner proficiencies, technology needs, and practitioner proficiencies that should be in place prior to learners accessing e-Channel courses through a blended learning process.

Enhancing LBS Digital (Ver 1.0 March 31-2022) (1).pdf

AlphaPlus and Contact North

Have created a report "Enhancing the Literacy and Basic Skills Program through Integrated Digital Delivery: An Opportunity and Needs Assessment", that highlights identified challenges, promising practices and specific opportunities to enhance the digital capacity of the LBS network. The French version is: 

The ASL video versions are at:

FINAL - Regional Literacy Networks and Workforce Planning Boards - The Partnerships Continue.pdf

MTML and Regional Networks

Literacy Link South Central lead a partnership to develop and distribute a follow-up resource to the 2012 Realizing Workforce Potential through Workforce Planning Boards and Regional Networks. Read the final document updated 2021-2022

Eight Strategies Discussion Document October 2021 (2).pdf

AlphaPlus' Discussion Document

This is a draft discussion document that provides 8 strategies to build a more equitable, sustainable and effective foundation to digital equity.

Final Report Hybrid Meetings.pdf

Report by LiNDR,  Literacy Northwest and PRLN

The report, 'The "How to" of Hybrid Meetings' gives you best practices on running hybrid meetings and also a list of equipment and potential costs for the equipment /platforms needed.

2022 Literacy and Mental Health Discussion Paper - ENG .pdf

Discussion Paper: Literacy and Mental Health

Read the discussion paper compiled by Frontier College that discusses the relationship between literacy and mental health during and following the pandemic.

EOIS-CaMS User Guide for New Staff - Revised January 2022.pdf

Find the "EOIS-CaMS User Guide for New LBS Staff"

 The link below will take you through a short video of the changes that were made from the previous 2016 version. 


Project READ Literacy Network

This document prepared by the College Sector Committee provides explanations for all the credentials available to adults at a secondary level in Ontario. The credentials include ACE, GED, OSSD, and TOWES. 


Community Literacy of Ontario 

Has created Apprenticeship and Skilled Trades through the Lens of Literacy and Basic Skills Report. The report report reflects challenges, strategies, successes, resources and “big ideas” from across the Community-based, College and School Board sectors to increase the common understanding of how this goal path can be supported in LBS agencies.

SMLN conducted an Employer/ job seeker and EO service provider Apprenticeship webinar series. 

The resources include:  recordings of all three of the webinars, the various power points that were used in the webinars and some links and resources that were discuss in the webinars.

Contingency Planning during Covid-19 Pandemic

Click on the button below to access the latest info about services provided by the MTML Network during the pandemic.

Assessment and Screening Tools

MTML Research Reports

The New Definition of Literacy


Support for Adults with Learning Disabilities

Finding Our Own Ways: Adults and Learning Disabilities


Creating Pathways of Learning Support for EO Clients with Learning Disabilities


Webinar Presentation: Creating Pathways of Learning Support for EO Clients with Learning Disabilities


Other Research Articles/Papers

In the research article “Less May Be More: Rethinking Adult Literacy Volunteer Tutor Training,” Alisa Belzer from Rutgers University, sheds light on what is actually carried from training into practice.   

Interesting Article.pdf

Frontier College National Forum on Literacy and The Economy aims to bring together a wide variety of participants to discuss the economic impact of COVID-19 on Canadians and how literacy is vital to our country’s recovery.


The University of Toronto’s Media Ethics Lab partnered with the City of Toronto to support the project: “The Digital Access: Who is Underserved and Why”. The report determines that communities must prioritize accessibility.
