Skills for Success Resources for LBS

On this page service providers can search for resources that can be used in LBS programs for SFS Initiatives.           

Resources Developed by MTML

Dev, Rosa and Zuri at Work: 

Booklet of learning activities for adult literacy programs that focuses on:

Adaptability, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity and innovation and Problem solving

Dev, Rosa and Zuri at Work 6May2024.pdf

Screening Tool

The Screening Tool helps to determine whether an individual could benefit from a literacy assessment or not. The  final product is time efficient, easy to use and easy to score.

Watch the video to understand the tool:

Screening Tool:

Screening Tool v1.0 (31Mar2023) (1).pdf

Organizational Needs Assessment Tool-kit

Organizational Needs Assessment Toolkit supports adult upgrading programs in conducting ONAs. The toolkit includes an ONA process and tools that providers are encouraged to choose from and adapt to suit their needs and contexts.

Video on the Importance of ONA

ONA Tool-kit

MTML ONA Toolkit v2.0 (23Jan24).pdf

Research Report for Underrepresented Groups Initiative

MTML developed the following 2 reports under the SFS Underrepresented initiative 2022-2024. It includes activities completed during the deliverable, the outcomes and recommendations.


URG Report_March-April 2023.pdf


URG Report_March 2024.pdf

Apprenticeship Initiative:

MTML connected with organizations and programs that support apprenticeships to learn more about this field and to share this information with adult literacy programs. Information was gathered through interviews, zoom information sessions and scans of websites related to apprenticeships.

Final Report: Pre-Apprenticeship Initiative

2023-2024 Apprenticeship April 5.pdf

Tropicana's Pre-Apprenticeship Program: Autobody and Collision Damage Repairer

Tropicana Pre-App flyer.pdf

Building Up's Pre-Apprenticeship Program: Construction Industry

Building Up FLyer.pdf

The Redwood's Pre-Apprenticeship Program: HVAC Staffing

The Redwood Pre-App.pdf

Child Welfare's: Pathway to Apprenticeship

PAC Pre-App flyer.pdf

Woodgreens 3 Pre-Apprenticeship Programs

Woodgreen Pre-App.pdf

Labour Education's Pre-Apprenticeship Program: Women in Trades

Labour Education Centre_PreApp.pdf

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers: Pathway Program


Other Resources:


Skills for Success External Questions and Answers- May 2023

This document was posted on EOPG by MLISTD and relateds to questions about SFS initiatives.


Adult Literacy Skills for Success: National Report  2022

Developed by United for Literacy

Mohawk College and ABEA developed this program that  focuses on supporting access to training programs that take 52 weeks or less to complete. It used to be called Second Career but the government changed the name of the program to Better Jobs Ontario. The object of the course is to help you source and prepare all the documentation needed for a Better Jobs Ontario application. It also focuses on helping you assess whether you have the skills and the commitment needed to transition to a new career. 

Literacy Link South Central flipbooks:

This 12-part series was developed for displaced workers with little or no computer background. It is based on Windows 10. The material is available in PDF format (to use as is) or in an editable Word document. Lesson plans and learner copies of each lesson are available, along with a PPT slide deck for each.  

When you use these resources, you will need access to the Internet to complete some sections of the modules as there are links to videos and websites which contain supporting materials. Some of the modules are available in an eLearning format for a more interactive experience. Where both are available, select the format that you prefer. 

Here you will find Math resources for the craft apprenticeship created by Education and Training Boards Ireland.

These resources were developed and assembled for Work Readiness training.

Join Ashley as she gives a brief overview of what these skills are and where they might take us. 

Learn about the reasons employers would work with Literacy and Basic Skills networks, why your workplace and employees would benefit from skills upgrading and the services that we can provide. 

View the resources that Community Literacy of Ontario created for Apprenticeship  goal path.

Community Literacy of Ontario has researched and developed an Annotated List of Resources for Under-Represented Groups to support adult learners from Under-Represented Groups.

This site is housing  information, resources and templates related to each of the initiatives to support the Community of Practice process. 

This site with the option of English and French provides tools and resources to support the professional

development of practitioners working with Skills for Success, including:

▪ A competency framework

▪ Self-assessment tools

▪ Digital resource library

▪ Training inventory

▪ Growth plan

CLO created 3 factsheets on supporting underrepresented groups:

Most of the Curriculum Resources developed during 2022-2023 have been added to the Resources Forum by Contact North.

Resources have been organized into 6 different categories:

Creation of various Skills for Success profiles for virtual job searching:

2. Skills for success Assessment (learner version)

3. Better Jobs Ontario/Skills for Success Assessment Tool for Facilitators

Resources created by ABC Life Literacy Canada includes both workbooks and activities.

Also includes other skills needed for work: Motivation, Attitude, Accountability, Presentation, Time Management, Stress Management, Confidence

Literacy Northwest-Feb 2021

A collection of Workforce and Workplace literacy Resources

LNW A Collection of WF-WP Literacy Resources March 7_2021 final (1).pdf

Suggestions for Readiness to Learn Task-based Activities

Suggestions of Readiness to Learn Task-based Activities (1).pdf

Literacy Link South Central partnered with MTML, CLO, LLEO, LNE and TCLN to create these short workplace videos for marketing purposes.