Toronto Region

Labour Market Information (LMI) for Toronto is gathered through various data sources related to employment including job posting data, Statistics Canada, and the City of Toronto.   

Toronto is almost unique in the Canadian job market in that it hosts almost every major industry and almost always has thousands of jobs that remain unfilled. Having said that, many smaller communities in Ontario are desperate for new workers. Conducting labour market research will reveal many more options for a learner's career in Canada.

Tips on searching for Toronto's labour market information

Good Sources of labour market information

Aside from TWIG's Quarterly labour market insights report, the following are good sources:

The Job Bank which is published and updated by the Federal Government.  The site provides:

Ontario’s labour market website is a user-friendly site that serves: 

Toronto Workforce Innovation Group’s (TWIG) Labour Market Insights Report that contains:

Soon TWIG will also be publishing information on the types of jobs that will allow you to work from home 

Toronto Labour Market Data

Below are some insights of the labour market that can be used by LBS programs for learners to understand different employment trends to help with  educational goals. This data is from April 2022-Mar 2023 and moving forward, will be updated on a quarterly basis.