Practitioner Resources

Find Adult Literacy Resources For Practitioners Below

                                                                   Resources Created by MTML

Universal Design Learning is very Important in Literacy programs:

Importance of Universal Design in Literacy.pdf

Details of Canadian Adult Education Credential

Below is a compilation of CAEC related information from different resources.

Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) (2).pdf

Resources to Prepare learners for Canadian Adult Education Credential

Below is a compilation of CAEC related learning activities and resources for practitioners to help prepare individuals for CAEC.

CAEC Resources for Practitioners.docx

AlphaPlus completed a project with a few GED instructors, examining the new CAEC. They wanted to know what skills, knowledge and strategies test-takers would need to respond to test questions. The aim was to build the knowledge of adult educators and help them get started with CAEC preparation and instruction while they wait for some additional resources to be developed, which are on the way. The report considers the substantial digital, content and cognitive complexity changes (a new element) compared to the GED. Here are the project related resources. 

Build awareness and organizational capacity as service providers will become more aware of the unique challenges faced by incarcerated individuals in relation to literacy, and how these challenges affect reintegration into society.

Resource booklet in process of development

Day 1: Virtual PD for Literacy Practitioners     Day 2: Making AI Write/Right

Resource booklet In process of development

Recording of the event (Day 1) with ASL interpretation

AI for Everyone- From Curiosity to Mastery

Unlock the power of AI to enhance your literacy practice and fuel your personal growth journey at our exclusive event for literacy practitioners!

Recording of the event (Day 2) with ASL interpretation

Making AI Write/Right

The PD focuses on integrating AI tools into adult literacy instruction, exploring innovative ways to enhance reading, writing, and numeracy skills. Participants will discover practical strategies for using AI-powered platforms to personalize learning and support diverse adult learners' educational journeys.

Health Symposium for Practitioners: Creating Space for Curiosity and Healing

The aim of the event was for practitioners to learn about self-compassion, self-care and wellness to maintain their overall well-being and effectiveness in supporting learners.

Recording of the event with ASL interpretation

Resource booklet based on the event:

Resource Booklet_Creating Space for Curiosity and Healing.pdf

Professional Development Day: Numeracy and Technology- Instructional Approaches for Emerging Adult Literacy Learners

The aim of the day was to develop best practices for supporting low-level emerging adult readers.

Recording of the event with ASL interpretation

Resource booklet based on the Professional development day:    

Final_PD_ resources_Numeracy_Nov-2023.pdf

Professional Development Day: Writing and Technology- Instructional Approaches for Emerging Adult Literacy Learners

The aim of the day was to develop best practices for supporting low-level emerging adult readers.

Recording of the event with ASL interpretation

Resource booklet based on the Professional development day:

1 Final_PD_ resources_Writing_Nov-2022.pdf

Professional Development Day: Reading and Technology- Instructional Approaches for Emerging Adult Literacy Learners

The aim of the day was to develop best practices for supporting low-level emerging adult readers.

Recording of the event with ASL interpretation:

Resource Booklet 


Employment Focused Pamphlet Series- Helping Learners Prepare for Work

Below are resources created for literacy practitioners to help their learners look for employment. These pamphlets are focused on trends and training in the following entry-level occupations in the Toronto and York Regions:

Watch the video to learn how to use the pamphlet series:

Home-care Aid

Pamphlets_Home care aide.pdf



Construction Helper

Pamphlets_Construction helper.pdf

Security Guard

Pamphlets_security guard.pdf

Grocery Clerk

Pamphlets_Grocery clerk.pdf

Early Childhood Assistant


Warehouse Worker

Pamphlets_Warehouse Worker.pdf

Retail Salesperson

pamplet_retail sales.pdf

Truck Driver

Pamphlets_Truck Driver.pdf

Room Attendant

Pamphlets_Room attendant.pdf

Retail Salesperson

Pamphlets_Kitchen Helper.pdf
Dev, Rosa and Zuri at Work 6May2024.pdf

Dev , Rosa and Zuri at work Learning Activities for LBS programs

Learning activities for Ontario adult literacy programs focused on helping their learners develop their five Skills for Success:

Carlos Gets a Job: Learning Activities for LBS programs

Learning activities for Ontario adult literacy programs focused on helping their learners  get a new job. 

Fillable version without answers

Carlos Gets a Job_updated Fillable - no answers (1).pdf

Fillable version with answers

Carlos Gets a Job.pdf

                       Silver Lining Café and Zoom Video Conferencing Tools 

Manuals with step-by-step instructions and practitioner tips on how to use Zoom, as well as highlights of some of the features that Silver Lining Café participants have told us are useful in making the most of their Zoom meetings with learners. 

Final Silver Lining Café report is also included.       Learn More

                                                    Other Resources

Government of Canada Website- Vocabulary building Workbook

This workbook is designed to help you improve your vocabulary. It includes 24 lessons with a variety of exercises to help you learn new words commonly used in the Canadian workplace. 

This site was originally developed by Laubach Literacy Ontario (LLO) to support the OALCF Enhancment Initiative (November 2021-March 2022). In June 2024, Support Organizations received funding from MLITSD through the System Navigation Funding to complete addition program development work.  LLO was asked continue to coordinate OALCF development across sectors and streams and regions. Information, materials, and resources related to this project will be housed on this site. The site will be continuously updated until the end of March 2025.


AlphaPlus helps adult education organizations use technology to impact learner outcomes, improve business practices and strengthen program delivery through increased digital literacy. Learn more

Open Educational Resources and Instructional Materials 

A collection of always free and reproducible and mostly open, quality instructional materials and content that tutors and instructors can use with adult learners.  

"Technology is a significant barrier to learning and to accessing community services and government information for many adult learners" states the 'Supporting LBS Learners facing Multiple Barriers: Strategies, Strengths, Barriers and Partnerships' report published by Community Literacy of Ontario." 


This document addresses the needs and abilities of adult ESL Literacy learners. The purpose of this document is to describe the needs and abilities of adult ESL Literacy learners, and to support instructors in meeting their learning needs.

FLYER_Legal Rights Kits for LBS_Nov12_2020 (1).pdf

Produced by Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) specifically for Ontario Literacy and Basic Skills practitioners, each kit provides ready-made materials to help learners improve literacy skills while learning about legal rights. Kits include task-based activities aligned to the OALCF. There are nine kits, available at no cost, here: 


Warehouse Worker and Material Handler Curriculum. Click here to learn more.

Frontier College's: Integrating Social-Emotional Development with Literacy

Learn how reflection, theme exploration, soft skills development, and emotional intelligence can support social emotional learning in literacy lessons, activities, and programming.

Presented by Ben Albert, Thunder Bay Community Coordinator, Frontier College offers resources to

This site is for practitioner's to learn, teach, counsel, or support learning and change in any role.

Learning Networks of Ontario

LNO is made up of 16 learning networks from across Ontario. Each network provides support to Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programs through core services which are funded by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) as part of Employment Ontario (EO). Learn more

Explore the dropdown menus on the website to find information about math class and links to many useful online math resources. 

Ontario Native Literacy Coalition created these activities that were developed on the foundational guidelines of the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework.

Created by Project READ.

It contains task-based activities to use with your learners. All the materials have been aligned to the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF). All activities are versatile, preparing learners for test taking, for using workplace authentic documents, for post-secondary academics, or for living independently. More so, these documents will help you prepare your learners to complete milestones. 

Prosper Canada Tools and Resources (5) (1).pdf

Prosper Canada has amazing tools and resources for practitioners on financial literacy related topics.

                                                                         MTML's Archived Resources

Trousse-outils-22mars (1).pdf