MTML PROGRAMS > West Neighbourhood House Adult Learning Programs

West Neighbourhood House
Adult Learning Programs

West NH Adult Learning Program provides free and flexible small group and one-to-one tutoring for adults who want to improve their reading, writing, math or computer skills.  Free Academic Upgrading and GED preparation also available.  All programming is currently virtual. 

West Neighbourhood House has other programs and services to support your learning: including Employment Services, Financial Empowerment and Problem Solving, Settlement Services and more. 


PROGRAM TYPE: Community Based

SERVING: Anglophone

REGISTRATION PROCESS: Call us at 461-539-9000 or email to set up an initial meeting. Staff will meet with you to find out about your goals and experience (currently by phone or online). 

INTAKE: Continuous intake, self-paced

ELIGIBILITY: 19+ and speak English well enough to hold a conversation. 

ACCESS: Programming is online or over the phone. 


248 Ossington Ave. Toronto, ON M6J 3A2

What does adult literacy mean to us?
(a joint poem by members of the PPR Creative Writing group)   

Adult literacy is: 

A welcome mat
Linen and towels
A warm hug
People who know where you’re coming from
People willing to help
Taking risks
One wide voice
Confidence in self
Bright life
Wind Ideas
People who are strong, courageous, powerful
Laughs and prayers
Smiles and slam Belonging
This is your home
Welcome, stay as long as you want
We’re glad it’s not children’s literacy
We’re glad there is something called adult literacy, so adults can belong to their own school and their own friends and their own type of learning
It’s not noisy like the high school or the primary school, running, rushing
Not something to make us feel over-bored and anxious and we want to quit
It’s stable
Not like when the rain falls and there is sand, and it goes everywhere
It’s on solid ground.   

Adult literacy has helped us: 

Do it a little better than before
Understand more and more every day
Learn and grow so much
Do a lot for ourselves - with no help from nobody
Be someone people can respect
Get back what we left behind
Pick up what we need now   

Adult literacy makes us happy: 

It provides us with things that we missed out on
It’s learning, diluted in a nice way so that we feel that we want to go on
Because a lot was taken from us, that was meant to be for us
And now we express our feelings
Like we are new people
Describing ourselves to the world
To other people
We are so happy that we can speak and work and write about ourselves.


“It’s so good to be connected again. I love learning together. I don’t feel lonely. I spend time with people I love.”  

“It feels like school is open. I am so happy to hear voices. It’s so good to talk, listen, hear each other’s opinions, ask questions. I am thankful to be here and feel the love and respect.”  

“This is not my second home, this is my first home. I am so happy. It feels like we are not alone, that you are interested in us.”  

“I was feeling down before group. We all come together for reading and writing and songs. It makes the energy up.”  

“When I’m alone I never talk, or laugh, or anything. Loneliness keeps me inside. When we’re with the group, there is learning, stories, something funny. What is on the inside, we can let it outside. It makes our day, our life. We need it, we need more of it.”  

“Today was like a cocktail - juicy. There is sadness, angry, love, art. Then it’s relaxing and calm down. I was like a bottle, closed, full. Now I’m much better.”