Tip Sheet:
Scanning Documents with your iPhone
Click or Tap on a Question to see the Answer
How do I know if I have an Android or Apple Smartphone?
If you have an iPhone, there will be an image of an apple at the back. The apple will look like this
If there is no image of an apple, you most likely have an Android phone.
I’m trying to scan my document from the Notes app. It is scanning automatically. Why is that?
If the document is scanning automatically (without pressing the white circle button), your device is in ‘auto’ mode.
To get out of ‘auto’ mode, tap ‘auto’ in the upper right corner of the screen.
I’m a newer iPhone. How do I scan my document?
Open the Notes app and tap on the pen button to create a new note
Instead of looking for a plus sign, tap on the camera icon.
I see the option to ‘scan text’. What does this mean?
Click here to learn about it: How to scan text into Notes on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch | Apple Support - YouTube
How can I get a good scan?
Avoid dark lighting.
Hold your device over the document you would like to scan
Be sure there are no shadows on your document before you scan. It is ok to reposition your phone or document if needed.
How Else can I Scan a Document with my iPhone?
Tap on the Files app
Tap on the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the screen
Tap on Scan Documents
Tips for Coping when Feeling Nervous or Frustrated
I’m nervous about scanning my document. What should I do?
● Feeling nervous can be a sign that you need practice to feel comfortable and confident.
● Try scanning a ‘practice document.’ This could be a blank piece of paper at first. After, try scanning a document with text, such as a grocery list.
● Remember, practicing is the best way to help your brain remember these new skills!
I feel nervous about even trying this new skill. What can I do?
● Don’t let the fear of making mistakes stop you from trying. Smartphones are generally designed
to withstand mistakes you might make, and will not break if you do make a mistake.
● If your screen does freeze while you’re trying to use your smartphone, you can restart your
device. To learn how to restart your iPhone, click here: Restart your iPhone - Apple Support (CA).
To learn how to restart an Android phone, click here: How to Force Restart an Android Phone
When It’s Not Responding (howtogeek.com) and scroll to the section “Perform a Hard
● Remember, practicing is the best way to help your brain remember these new skills!
This process is frustrating. How can I handle frustration?
Frustration will make it harder to problem solve. To reduce frustration and increase problem solving,
follow the steps below.
• Step 1: Pause.
• Step 2: Name what you’re feeling without judgement. Be sure to use the phrase “I am
• Step 3: Take a 5-minute break, or a little longer if needed. You have the option to do something
to help you feel calm, such as doing some gentle stretches, listening to music, or breathing
deeply until you feel calm.
• You can also check out: The Guide to Mindfulness for Better Learning and/or the guide on
Changing Unhelpful Thoughts for Success while Learning. You can access them here: MTML -